Sunday, February 04, 2007


Lately I have been struggling with maintaining a well-rounded, intimate relationship with God. I have found that my quality times with God have become sporadic to say the least. Once I start getting more and more in God’s word, I find my prayer life slipping, or my prayer life is limited to the time I spend in semi-silence driving to and fro. Once I start talking to God more in prayer about anything and everything, really trying to hear God’s still, small voice, the times I spend in the word decrease drastically. Why is this so hard for me? I feel that I am the only one who experiences these problems but I know I am not. Its not that I don’t have the time, it’s just that I find myself not being able to focus on maintaining a well-rounded relationship with the love of my life. I feel like I’m letting God down by going at this whole thing half-heartedly...I can't even focus enough to pray that God will help me out with this. I don't want to pass this off on school, friends, the girlfriend, work or whatever. I feel like I am stuck spinning my wheels with a one-track spiritual mind.

However, I know that God is Sovereign God and he has a purpose for this challenge and that I will glorify him because of this situation somehow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have recently learned about the "Jesus Prayer." The prayer is a short phrase - "Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner." It's very simple. But the idea is to repeat it over and over again each day. If you can, try it for twenty minutes a day. You can do it in your car, while running, before you go to sleep, or whatever. Try it. It's easy to remember, and it's helping me to 'pray without ceasing' as Paul says. If nothing else, it allows your mind to focus.

Don't be so hard on yourself. God knows you, and he knows your heart. Try the Jesus Prayer. I'll talk to you more about it on Wed...