Tonight we started a 5-week series on world religions. These religions do not all parallel Christianity but we can learn and develop our faith more fully from learning about these other religions.
Tonight was Islam and it is scary how many parallels exist between Islam and Christianity. I learned so much tonight. Not to brag, but I never did stereotype Muslims as "terrorists" but tonight did clear up many questions I had about these ultimately devoted people.
In Christianity, we have a very positive outlook on our lives, especially from a spiritual aspect. We are "saved" from the fires of hell and more importantly, eternal separation from God. We are a new creation in Him. The atoning blood of Christ forgives all sins. All of these things add to the overall positive outlook on our Christian lives.
Islam actually directly contrasts with this view. It is a very negative outlook on the actions of Muslims. Muslims focus on not necessarily beliefs as much as correcting the wrongs committed in their never-ending pursuit to worship Allah. This is the concept behind "jihad." Jihad means "struggle." It is commonly mistaken for a "holy war" and although there is some aspect of holy war in the Lesser Jihad Greater Jihad is where Christians could draw something.
This Jihad is the inner struggle one has with his/her sins. It is not a guilt trip but more like a permanent attitude of repentance and mourning over the sins committed.
We as Christians can take 3 major things from the Islamic faith and apply it to our faith to help us grow.
1.) Develop an attitude of respect for God similar to the respect Muslims have for Allah. (Muslims have an immense amount of respect for Allah. Their attitude is one of complete reverence and humbleness.)
2.) Consistently engage in jihad inside ourselves as well as with God. (Through this wrestling with ourselves and with God we will ultimately grow closer to Him and develop our own faith more and more.)
3.) Develop a prayer life as dedicated as Muslims. (They stop everything they are doing, no matter what it is, and pray to Allah 5 times a day.)